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What is CIO Manufacturing Forum ?
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Interactive Sessions with Senior most professionals and IT
decision-makers of Manufacturing Industries.
Partners, Media, and CIO to exchange best practices and
Knowledge partners to share the new technologies,
newtrends in the market along with their experiences in various other industries.
The forum will address the Challenges faced by CIOs together with the Knowledge partner for a probable best solution available.
Knowledge sharing can happen on Physical Seminars as per Forum prescribed format or can happen on Webinar.
A NON PROFIT forum of Chief Information Officers of Manufacturing Organizations.
Members are elite CIOS /IT HEAD only.
Professionally driven and have a high value of the core.
This is an interactive Senior IT Processionals platform from manufacturing Industries for exchanging best practices, share knowledge and experience to drive the business benefit to their organizations.
We are committed to building professional relationships across the value chain of manufacturing.
We collaborate with knowledge-sharing partners & media for the latest updates and newly launched platforms.